Tuesday, April 27, 2010


I realized the reason that hugs are so nice.
The reason that when all else has failed you, a hug can do just fine.
I realized why hugs can solve issues that money or sex or a cigarette can't solve.
Because when we were little, we didn't solve our problems with money and sex and cigarettes.
When we were little, we wanted to be held when we were crying.
Rocked back and forth until the hic-hic-hiccuping slowed.
We wanted the warmth, the comfort, the safety of a simple embrace.
We wanted to lose ourselves, not in anything we needed to consume.
A bottle of warm milk didn't always do.
Instead we wanted a simple hug.
Just a hug.

I think hugs could save the world.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Year of the Black Rainbow review

Coheed and Cambria - Year of the Black Rainbow

Everybody who knows me, knows I'm in love with Coheed and Cambria.
Everybody who knows me, knows that this is the one album I've been waiting for since I found out it was being released in April.
Eventually, the album got leaked, and even though I will buy the album to support the band, I HAD to hear the music.
My good friend Aaron was talking about his favourite songs and I just couldn't hold it anymore.

I could no longer wait for April (13th?) to come along, I had to hear it.
I was doing a project, pulling an all nighter. Was I excited? Absolutely. Was I done with my work? No, but that's beside the point.

The first song, "One", is creepy. It's creepy and it gives me a weird feeling in my stomach. And I hadn't slept, and it was dark and I was alone. I wasn't quite sure how to handle everything that was going on when I first heard it. Since then, I haven't listened to it again because I know how it made me feel, but it was really good nonetheless, I can recall that much. The next song that had a really big impact on me was "Far." The intro to "Far" is simple, but it's really good for the album and the song itself. The echoes in the song are probably my favourite part. Usually, I'm not a fan of echoes, but they were well used.
For some reason, I saw "This Shattered Symphony" as something I'd really like to have sex to. It's not a sexual song, nor is it the best one on the album, so I'm not sure what was going on in my mind, but it doesn't change how I feel.
Moving on...
"Pearl of the Stars" is probably the song I find myself singing the most. Coheed often has one song on an album that's slow, a little dark, but romantic. This is that song:

When you go
I will know
Follow you to the stars
And when the world burns apart
There'll be a place for your heart
I'd give you everything
If only I'd known you'd take it
But you won't, cause you're you
That's why I'll always love you
My Pearl of the Stars

It reminds me of From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness with the song "Wake Up" where he sings:

I'll do anything for you,
Kill anyone for you.

So leave yourself intact
'Cause I will be coming back.
In a phrase to cut these lips,
I love you.

It obviously isn't as dark, but the death of other people is always somewhat sensitive. And it's something different when it's for love.

The last song is always the most important on a Coheed and Cambria album.
The Final Cut is an amazing song on From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness. It's the last song, and it's more about the feeling and the emotion than it is about the vocals or just one instrument. In another post, I'll show The Neverender Tour version of the Final Cut, where Claudio leaves the rest of the band to play alone after a while, and one by one, each band member leaves until the drummer is left, playing a solo on his own.

The song "Year of the Black Rainbow" can only be described as epic. There is one part of it that's very busy. Too busy, in fact, for me to listen to the song while I'm trying to do homework or read, but it's an amazing piece. There are more lyrics than there was in "The Final Cut" but eventually, as the album nears the end, the instruments begin to drown out the vocals.

All in all, it was an amazing album, and without TOO much bias, I recommend it to people who can appreciate Coheed and Cambria.

[= Thank you.

No One Runs Faster Than You Eat

I've been on a Coheed and Cambria overload, lately. Not only the new album, either. Today, I'm listening to a lot of Willing Well. And the past few days, even in the shower, I was listening to the Year of the Black Rainbow.
I don't know what it is about them lately that's made me want to drown myself in their music twenty four hours a day.
I wake up to their music in my head, they're the last thing I listen to before I go to sleep.
Sometimes a band, for whatever reason, just really hits you.
And I mean REALLY hits you.
Lately, Coheed has just been giving me some really intense chills.
Making me feel really weird.
Good weird.
But weird.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Today's a good day.

I lost sight of my healthy eating and working out.
Last night I got sick of my constant loss of motivation for anything I promise myself I'll put my mind to.
I've eaten pretty healthily today.
I have to do this.
My mom's lost 9 pounds.
I have to do this.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Innocence and Hope

He says that I'm not innocent anymore.
He says I seem jaded.

What is he referring to? The times where I put him on a pedastal? The times where I thought he was the best thing to ever happen to me?
I'm no longer that person.
I'm sick of being the emotional wreck I used to be.
I have a future to plan out.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Performances and Wislawa Szymborska


I have to write a chord progression to accompany a performance that my group is performing on Friday.
I'm excited about the performance itself, but what am I dreading?
The same girl that gave me a hard time is a judge for this project.
I'm not exactly sure why she's a judge, she shouldn't have been given a chance to judge since she gives everyone such a hard time in class.
Aside from all of this, my group has yet to meet other than four of us last night.
We have practicing to do.
Practicing, talking, planning, deciding.
Friday's going to be a long day, I can feel it.