Sunday, May 2, 2010

And you finally realize that you should have realized this such a long time ago.

Welcome to FredFest. Welcome to the weekend long party extravaganza at Fredonia State University. Welcome to the days that people decide to get drunk at 12pm instead of 8pm. And the only weekend of the year that the University Police decide to ignore drinking in public.
You think that maybe finals will calm everyone down. You think that maybe since it's Sunday, at 3:11 pm, you'll be able to get some work started, get some laundry done, get to talk to some important people in your life. Instead, the remnants of underage drinking and too much partying are evident everywhere. People are still drunk, people are still ignoring their college duties, and people are letting air horns go off, their music blast, and their voices carry across campus.
For fuck's sake, it's SUNDAY, people. It is a SUNDAY afternoon and I want to be able to sit and relax in my room.

The people I'm surrounded by.
People who care too much about being judged and people who care too much about what everyone else thinks.
I'm sick and tired of that shit. This is college. High school is where you were supposed to have found yourself, this is where you're supposed to realize that nothing in high school mattered and that your grades are the only thing you have going for you.
In the end, is blacking out all of the time going to get you a job? Of course not.
Is skipping class and starting drama going to get you anywhere substantial in life?
Never in my life have I been so pushed to such a feeling of disgust and disappointment for the people around me.

Maybe it's time to make a drastic change.